Navigating Elixir’s Talent ​and Tech Evolution

April 23, 2024
|  By Eva Clarke

Elixir is truly exceptional. Its popularity has soared ​since its inception in 2012, when José Valim ​pioneered it for a research and development project. ​This surge in popularity is due to its dynamic and ​functional nature, which establishes it as the go-to ​language for developing maintainable and reliable ​software.

According to surveys (StackOverflow & Curiosum) and ​through speaking to developers and enthusiasts ​alike, it’s now considered one of the most loved and ​pleasant to use programming languages, evolving ​through great tooling like Phoenix LiveView, Nx, and ​Livebook.

At Cititec Talent, our commitment to understanding ​the Elixir ecosystem runs deep. Through extensive ​research in collaboration with Elixir developers from ​renowned companies we’ve curated this ​report to cover the emerging trends and empower ​you with the expertise to expand your teams with ​skilled professionals.

This guide includes:
💡 Overview of the Elixir talent pool
💡 Salary and benefits guide
💡 The top employers hiring
💡 Fastest growing related skills
💡 Where the top Elixir talent is located
💡 The impact of emerging technologies

About the authors

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Eva Clarke

I'm the Marketing Manager at Cititec Talent, where I get to combine my love for commodities and fintech with my passion for storytelling. I’m all about creating meaningful brand stories that connect with people, whether it’s through internal comms or reaching out to our broader audience.