The Ultimate Guide ​to Boosting Your ​Glassdoor Score

December 5, 2023
|  By Eva Clarke

Job hunting is a full-time job, so if candidates ​sense that your workplace culture isn’t ​great, they’ll think twice about hitting the ​“apply” button. Glassdoor is one of the most ​popular company review sites with 55 million+ ​monthly visitors. It’s a game-changer for your ​employer brand, so don’t overlook it.

Glassdoor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does Glassdoor calculate employer ratings?

Glassdoor uses an algorithm to calculate employer ratings. They’re secretive about how it works, but we know that:

  • Reviews from current employees are worth more than those left by former employees.
  • Recent reviews are rated more highly than older reviews. The weighting of a review decreases over time (but never reaches 0).
  • Interns and contractors do not contribute to your overall rating.

How long does it take the Glassdoor rating to update?

It takes around seven business days for a rating to update after a new review is posted.

Can an employee write more than one Glassdoor review?

When an employee writes a new review (in the same calendar year), the previous review from that employee disappears.

When should I request Glassdoor reviews from employees?

You’ll often find it’s better to send review requests after they’ve:  

  • Received a promotion, award, or recognition
  • Attended a big office celebration or event 
  • Passed probation
  • Completed their first 3-6 months (aka the honeymoon period)

Can I offer incentives in exchange for positive Glassdoor reviews?

When it comes to requesting reviews, you mustn’t violate Glassdoor’s policy by ‘offering incentives in exchange for reviews’ or directly asking for positive reviews. It’s like paying for followers on Instagram. Very awkward.  

Whether it’s dropping a note through Mailchimp or reaching out via the Glassdoor employer centre, keep your review requests genuine. 

A good way to increase the likelihood of receiving a positive review is all about your phrasing, which is why we’ve included templates at the end of this article.

How can I reduce the number of negative Glassdoor reviews my company receives?

When it comes to decreasing negative reviews, the best thing you can do is to create an anonymous internal feedback channel and to take the feedback you receive on board. Without that in place, your employees will take matters into their own hands and vent their frustrations online.

When conducting exit interviews, asking employees who’ve departed on positive terms for reviews isn’t the smartest move – it’s actually a bit of a gamble with limited returns. First off, reviews from ex-employees don’t hold as much weight. And let’s face it, when folks leave their jobs, they’re usually told not to ‘burn bridges,’ leaving you wondering what’s really going on in their minds.

Where can I find more Glassdoor insights as well as free request and response templates?

It’s as easy as submitting your details and unlocking our free Glassdoor guide below.

About the authors

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Eva Clarke

I'm the Marketing Manager at Cititec Talent, where I get to combine my love for commodities and fintech with my passion for storytelling. I’m all about creating meaningful brand stories that connect with people, whether it’s through internal comms or reaching out to our broader audience.