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Knowledge Hub


Who cares about C#?

Who cares about C#?

C# is like the best friend in a rom-com – always there, super reliable, ​but never seen as the love interest until the very end. Even though C# ​has been growing in popularity, it still hasn’t hit the heart-throb ​status of Java or Python. So, who actually cares about C#? The ‘Windows only’ reputation C# picked up in the early

Murex Talent Insights Report – 2024

Murex Talent Insights Report – 2024

It’s no secret that hiring in the Murex space has cooled off a bit. However, if you are looking to grow your Murex team, it’s still important to offer competitive benefits and salaries, even in a market favouring employers. The best Murex talent isn’t always actively looking for a job; they’re often already happily employed. But as you’ll see in

Murex Leadership Insights: Solon Mikhailides

Murex Leadership Insights: Solon Mikhailides

I recently had the opportunity to interview Solon Mikhailides, a highly skilled Murex leader, with 18+ years of experience in the banking industry. In his career, Solon has orchestrated major system implementations, such as new ECN interfaces and regulatory reporting module integrations. From a management perspective, Solon has a knack for leading multi-skilled, international teams to success. What attracted you

Murex Leadership Spotlight: Solon Mikhailides

Murex Leadership Spotlight: Solon Mikhailides

I recently had the opportunity to interview Solon Mikhailides, a highly skilled Murex leader, with 18+ years of experience in the banking industry. In his career, Solon has orchestrated major system implementations, such as new ECN interfaces and regulatory reporting module integrations. From a management perspective, Solon has a knack for leading multi-skilled, international teams to success. What attracted you

A complete guide to updating your LinkedIn profile

A complete guide to updating your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is the home of your professional brand; it serves as your virtual introduction to new opportunities and can play a crucial role in guiding you to the next step in your career. As tech recruitment specialists, we know the value of a strong LinkedIn profile better than anyone. When we receive new job opportunities from our clients,

Navigating Elixir’s Talent ​and Tech Evolution

Navigating Elixir’s Talent ​and Tech Evolution

Elixir is truly exceptional. Its popularity has soared ​since its inception in 2012, when José Valim ​pioneered it for a research and development project. ​This surge in popularity is due to its dynamic and ​functional nature, which establishes it as the go-to ​language for developing maintainable and reliable ​software. According to surveys (StackOverflow & Curiosum) and ​through speaking to developers

Are Coding Tests a Load of Rubbish?

Are Coding Tests a Load of Rubbish?

Coding tests are sometimes placed at the first step of the interview process. But, is there any real value to these tests, or have they just become a standard procedure, packaged as something useful when, in reality, they’re an unnecessary hurdle for candidates, and possibly doing more harm than good to your hiring process? Put it bluntly, are they a

Applying for Jobs and Getting Ghosted? The Good News: It’s Not Your Fault.

Applying for Jobs and Getting Ghosted? The Good News: It’s Not Your Fault.

You spot a job posting that looks like a perfect match for your skills, and you can’t help but get excited. So, you submit your CV and play the waiting game: Days turn into weeks. And weeks into months. Until you eventually realise… you’ve been ghosted. It’s easy to become introspective and to start wondering: What did I do wrong?

A Pivotal Moment For Diversity in Tech

A Pivotal Moment For Diversity in Tech

It’s a pivotal moment for diversity in tech as the COVID bubble bursts. With over 250,000 tech layoffs globally in 2023, the competition for tech roles has reached new heights. But, what do these changes mean for diverse talent?  The current situation Layoffs have disproportionately affected underrepresented groups. For example, when considering only gender, between October 2022 and June 2023,

Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile To Advance Your Tech Career – Part 2

Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile To Advance Your Tech Career – Part 2

If you haven’t already checked out part 1, we recommend you give it a read, because in this blog, we’ll be diving straight into how you can: Building your personal brand LinkedIn is the best social media platform for building your brand. Once again, it all comes down to who your audience is. If you’re interested in a particular coding